Thursday, January 26, 2006

A few words to Chew by, if not live by

Back in Art School, after I dropped out of Economics, I realized that my artistic talent rested in not rendering or sculpting, but in cooking. Why I didn’t just stop then and head off to the Culinary Institute of America, I don’t know, since even back in junior high I had written away for its brochures when the other kids were dreaming of high SAT scores, a preppy lifestyle, and beer bonging. And while other kids purchased Sports Illustrated, Tiger Beat, I picked up Cook’s Magazine and Bon Appetit. Years later, at architecture school, I was fortunate to have instructors who considered the food on the table as important at the table setting, the table and chairs, the room finishes, and the room itself. All seemed reconciled.

But now as a professional in the construction industry, I yearn for the immediate and sensual gratifications of the culinary world. While I am likely to read an article about how construction in China affects the price of steel in Colorado, I’ll print and save an article on making my own bacon. To paraphrase Brillat Savarin: “The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than a new shopping center.

This blog, then, attempts to reconcile (again) these conflicting passions without falling into the pathos of a self-help journey. I hope there will surprises, a reasonable amount of stability, a ramble and a rant now and then, but most all, an inspiration for good food on the table and in conversation.


Blogger Larry Nicholas said...

Mazel Tov on launching your blog. That old adage "Youth is wasted on the young..." is so true. Why is it that we wait until we are over (fill in the blank, usually somewhere over 30) to truly begin to live our lives authentically??

I'm looking forward to looking, learning and loving you as my dear friend.

27/1/06 12:56 PM  

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