Born-again cooks
I wish I could remember where I first read about “born-again cooks” needing constant validation. You know the type: You have to rave about everything, can’t suggest anything, and God forbid that your noticing something comes under the category of criticism. They are out to convert you, no matter your own beliefs, just like a born-again vegetarian, born-again Christian, and my favorite, the born-again virgin. They go into fits when you ask for ketchup for the roast potatoes, and make snide comments about your knives, pans, and other kitchen equipment. Food snobs have nothing against these people as they don't have the fervor--the passion—that a simple snob lacks.
I admit to reading this over and over again wondering if I am one of those. What does it mean? I was a born again virgin once, am I more likely to be born again as other things? Do I get overly upset when someone asks for ketchup? I do remember one time denying a visiting 9 year old ketchup for...what was the dish? What the hell, I didn't spend a couple of hours cooking up whatever it was (too bad I can't remember, but I know it was good-) just to have someone smother it in commercial ketchup, for heaven's sake. I've got rules in this house. Now had she requested my homemade cranberry ketchup, that might have been a different story.
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