Easy Dinner Party Dessert: Ice Cream with Whiskey and Coffee Grounds

Technically it is a variation of the Italian dessert affogato (“drowned”), but with whiskey instead of espresso; the espresso, in fact, is sprinkled on top as fresh grounds. (At Reed College, we had coffee ground milkshakes, so in a way, it’s a variation of that as well.) It’s as simple as can be but the ingredients have to be the best. Everyone loves it but men in particular appreciate it. I use Makers Mark bourbon, as its sweetness and smokiness compliment the ice cream, but almost any good whiskey could be used.
A French-press grind add a nice crunch as the grounds freeze but you may prefer a cone-filter grind, or even an espresso grind as somepeople find the anything larger than a cone filter grind to be too gritty, almost chewy. The larger grinds also tend to irritate your gums and stick unattractively between the teeth. Do not feel the need to dump on the hooch. A single tablespoon is all that is needed--anymore, and it will be unpleasantly boozey.
Ice Cream with Whiskey and Coffee Grounds
For each serving:
Place two scoops of the very best vanilla ice cream
Drizzle with a tablespoon of Makers Mark Bourbon (1/2 pony shot)
Sprinkle with a teaspoon freshly-ground coffee
This also makes a wicked milkshake when you throw it into the blender.
(Note that is based on a whirling blade grinder, which produces an uneven grind, with grains of varying sizes, which is perfect for this dessert.)
Tried this dessert tonight with Canadian Club- because that is what I had on hand. Next time I'll try the bourbon you mention. I loved the coffee on top, the whiskey wasn't bad either while the ice cream was still solid. Very easy and very tasty. Would it be wrong to have that in the morning as a shake? That could get me out of bed in the morning.
KEWM: It is very good in the morning as a shake or just as an exercise in cleaning out the freezer.
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